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Turin Italy Talk ( Who'a afraid of Depathologization)

Text of talk given via video at the “Whos Afraid Of Depathologization” conference in Turin Italy, March 31, 2012.

Video available on YouTube.com

Anne Vitale PhD

Bon Journo

I want to thank Christian Ballerin and the others at Circolo LGBTQ Maurice for inviting me to address this gathering.

I’m Dr Anne Vitale...a psychologist in private practice in the San Francisco, California Bay area where I have been specializing in gender issues since 1978.

I have been asked to answer three questions:

Why is transsexuality considered a pathology?
Are there other --less stigmatizing and perhaps more accurate words we can use to define the issue?
How can depathologization of gender issues change transpersons life's?

This is a very important and timely topic. One can write a book on these three questions alone. Since I only hav...

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