A Meditative Approach to Gender Dysphoria
Notes on Gender Role Transition
Anne Vitale Ph.D. Editor
Editor's Note:By Lawrence M. Tunis Ed.D. LMFT
The term "gender dysphoria" probably means something different to almost everyone who experiences at least some level of discomfort with the gender to which they were identified at birth. For some individuals on the less intense end of the gender disturbance spectrum, there may simply be an undercurrent, a discomfort, a vague longing or an infatuation with a different gender expression. Yet for others situated toward the other end of the gender scale, the phrase "gender dysphoria” may actually sound much too tame. It may be that this latter group experiences gender discord as extremely intense and disturbing feelings, perhaps bordering on an overwhelming and growing desire to change their sex or an extreme preoccupati...