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Resources for Friends and Families

Resources for Friends and Families

  By By Anne Vitale Ph.D. -- Mar 12, 2023

Notes on Gender Role Transition
By Anne Vitale Ph.D.

Resources for Friends, Famalies and Student Scholarships
Here is a list of resources for parents who are transgendered, parents of transgendered persons, and children of transgendered persons.


My Trans Parent Paperback - Bryant, Heather - Amazon.com

This guide covers everything you need to know. How will the transition impact your life? This book answers your questions and guides you through every stage. With chapters on navigating the changes in your family, finding community, going through the transition as a family, and much, much more, you'll see how other people have handled these experiences, and learn how you can too. When a parent transitions, the whole family transitions. From definitions to names and pronouns, you'll find all you need to support yourself and your family through the transition and beyond.

With real-life stories from people whose parents have also transitioned, and practical advice throughout, this essential book will be your companion every step of the way. Interviews and life tips from kids just like you will help you find your way.

Whether you are going through your family's transition yourself, or you want to support a friend or family member, this guide will help you gain understanding.

Online Support Groups
Significant Other Support Group for the wives of Crossdressers. Contact Julie (925) 937-8432 Julie39@comcast.net

Chi Upsilon Iota Tri-Ess Champaign/Urbana IL

We are a newly forming chapter of TRI-ESS. Tri-Ess is an educational, social and support group for heterosexual crossdressers, their spouses or partners and their families. We support both crossdressers and their spouses. We believe that we are blessed with an additional facet to our personalities. If we accept our crossgendered side, and explore it, we will find a broadening of the entire personality, which can be very fulfilling. We dress in emulation, rather than in mockery, of femininity.
Tgs-pflag-- This a self described "warm and fuzzy" support group on-line for parents, spouses, family members, and friends of anyone who defines him or herself as transgendered. In addition, there are many transgendered (FTM/MTF/CD/"Other") persons on the list. To sign up, send message: "subscribe tgs-pflag to listproc@youthguard.org.


Parents of TransKids -- This list is designed particularly for parents of young (minor) children who believe they are transgendered or transsexual. To subscribe or to get further information email Bob4605@aol.com


DialUp -- For children of transsexual or transgendered parents. For further information or to subscribe contact julieg@amnix.com


Adult Children of Transsexual Parents -- For children over 21. For information or to subscribe contact julieg@amnix.com


Kids of Gays -- Despite its name, this group, sponsored by COLAGE (Children of Lesbian and Gay Men Everywhere) explicitly welcomes children of transgendered persons. They have an email list, a web site, and an office in San Francisco. To reach them by email, write KidsOfGays@aol.com


TSParents-- Primarily for parents who are themselves MTFs or FTMs; some exceptions granted. Send plain-English subscription or information request to drmissy@net66.com



AMERICAN BOYZ -- Primarily a FTM site. A special effort has been made to include resources for transgendered persons and SOFFAs who also belong to other minorities.  http://www.amboyz.org

National SOFFAs Resource List -- Although the emphasis of the list is on resources for SOFFAs of FTMs, it includes many resources -- particularly for parents and children of transgendered persons -- that are particularly germane to family members of MTFs. http://members.xoom.com/ftmsofaq/soffaresourcelist.html. The home page for this site, at ftmsofaq, also contains questions and answers specifically for the SOFFA perspective.

SOFFA USA -- contains many resources and links for all types of SOFFAs including SOFFAs of MTFs. http://members.aol.com/SOFFAUSA/index.html

PFLAG-talk/tgs-pflag-- website has many resources for family members and partners of transgendered persons divided into categories such as "support," "education," "advocacy." PFLAG Acts," etc... http://www.critpath.org/pflag-talk/orhttp://www.YouthGuard.org/pflag-t-son/index.htm


Transfamily of Cleveland -- Includes resources for family members and partners of transgendered persons: newsletters, lots of links, a book list, a link to the HBIGDA Standards of Care, organizations serving transgendered persons, a link to transgendered legal issues, etc. http://www.transfamily.org.


Transsexualism FAQ for Significant Others, Friends, Families and Allies-- Trans 101 written with SOFFAs in mind. Also contains a set of links. http://my.voyager.net/supenn/tsfaq.html

COLAGE--Children of Lesbian and Gay Men Everywhere. Despite their name, all of their materials invite children of transgendered persons. Indeed they have a page specifically for children of transgendered parents. http://www.colage.org/

Family Pride Coalition -- (Formerly Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International) now include transgendered parents in its mission statement.http://www.familypride.org/

ISNA -- The Intersex Society of North America; P.O. Box 3070, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3070, provides support to intersex persons. Their web site contains links and resources for SOFFAs, particularly parents. http://www.isna.org/


Online Guide to Scholarships & Resources for LGBTQIA+ College Students

- https://www.publicservicedegrees.org/financial-aid/lgbtqia-students-scholarships-resources/

Our goal, year-round, is to connect with as many LGBT+ students as possible to equip them with the right tools to succeed in college. Whether they are an incoming freshman or graduating senior, our guide can serve as a helping hand to any and all college students.

Best Online Guide to Scholarships for Transgender and Nonbinary Graduate Students -


Not only does it feature 30 scholarships for trans and nonbinary graduate students, but it also helps them learn how they can stand out on scholarship applications and it connects them to 20 other resources that can help make their grad school journeys easier. We believe that getting a master's education should be a possibility for every student, and we hope that our guide provides the information students are looking for to make their educational dreams a reality.


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Nothing on this site should be viewed as providing therapeutic advice. No formation of a client/therapist
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