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I am still in shock. My 19 year old son came home unexpectedly and found my fiance running around the house in panties and a bra. Help me understand.

I am still in shock. My 19 year old son came home unexpectedly and found my fiance running around the house in panties and a bra. Help me understand.

  By -- Mar 16, 2022

First of all, if you have not already done so, let your fiance know that you are concerned and would like an explanation. There may be nothing to it or there may be a lot. Either way you need to find out. I am assuming that since you have a 19 year old son that your fiance is probably in his mid-forties. If he is a cross dresser now then he probably has been his entire life. The need to cross dress in some men is very strong and does not go away. I suggest that you read the entries on my web site http://www.avitale.com/sotherlist.htm. The articles are written by the long time wife of a cross dresser. The couple is doing just fine and have been doing so for many years.

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