Be Aware of Experts
A Significant Other View
by Julie FreemanThis article is reprinted with permission from DEVIL WOMAN, the Diablo Valley Girls newsletter. Ms Freeman is the wife of a crossdresser. She can be reached at
Beware of Experts
Posted Jan 13, 2014
Several weeks ago, I watched a Dr. Phil show where he was talking about "gender-confused children." His goal was to help parents learn what to do when faced with a transgendered child.
On the one side, he had two "experts" who theorized that transgenderism was a phase and could be "cured." They also believed that not only is gender-change a choice, but homosexuality as well. They emphasized that mothers were largely responsible for their children desiring to be the opposite sex (over-involved is their terminology). And especially single mothers where there was no obvious male influence. Parents need to guide their children away from what they consider just a phase. They want the mother to back off (their ...