Good Will
A Significant Other View
by Julie FreemanThis article is reprinted with permission from DEVIL WOMAN, the Diablo Valley Girls newsletter. Ms Freeman is the wife of a crossdresser. She can be reached at
Good Will
During my break between classes, I had a chance to clean house. It had been several months since I had seen the bottom of my closet so I pulled out all the shoes I hardly ever wore (the ones I wore on a consistent basis were found by the bed), layered on top of each other, vacuumed the bottom of said closet and proceeded to sort the shoes and put back in a tidier manner. I soon realized why I had so many layers. There were so many old, decrepit shoes that I decided it was now or never. Into the Good Will bag, the sooner the better. In our house, nothing is thrown out. Every item of clothing, no matter how ragged, gets recycled although I have my doubts that anyone would ever choose such items. From my experience, even the poorest student I know somehow manages to buy designer shoes...