A Significant Other View
by Julie FreemanAugust 2013
Posted here by permission on January 26, 2017Admiration
I have the upmost admiration for those wives and partners who with compassion and understanding accept their husband's transsexualism/transgenderism. We all know these women; they are the ones that scare significant others, particularly those new to crossdressing, for they are venturing into that part of genderland that most of us are unwilling and reluctant to go. They are the ladies that appear on panels or talk shows with "husbands" now living FULL TIME as women, some having had surgery (post-op transsexuals), others not (pre-op transsexuals or transgenderists).
These are the wives who have made the decision to let their families and friends know that their lives are now going to be quite different. Once a couple, now two ladies. If there are children involved, they will need to deal with the strong emotions and intense feelings as the children begin to...